Category: AI Painter

Explore the cutting-edge technology and artistic finesse behind inventor Paul Kirby’s masterpiece, the painting robot, “Dulcinea.”

Robotics Spotlight: Dulcinea the Robot Painter’s Articulating Wrist

Unlocking the realm of artistic expression through technology is something man has continually worked at since art’s inception. Technological innovations have always been evolving the ways we look at expression, and as the boundaries between human creativity and machine innovation blur, we find ourselves standing on the precipice of a new era in the realm […]

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Robotics Spotlight: Dulcinea the Robot Painter’s Brush Washer

As long as artists have been using brushes to paint masterpieces, the cleaning of those brushes has proved a tedious and time-consuming bane. Even Dulcinea, modern inventor Paul Kirby’s masterful robot painter, had to overcome the hurdle of dirty brushes and brushes drying out from acrylic paint. Paul’s solution to the problem – using his […]

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How Paul and Dulcinea Make a Painting

Her name is Dulcinea. She’s an autonomous robot that makes large, impressive paintings from Paul Kirby’s inspirations and AI tools. It’s a dizzying, complicated, and fascinating process. Maybe you’re wondering… Just how do Paul Kirby and Dulcinea make a painting?  The Process Concept Before any great work of art is made, it must first enter […]

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The Challenges of Designing Dulcinea, The Painting Robot

How does something like Dulcinea, Paul Kirby’s fully-automated robot artist, take shape? Just what kind of considerations and challenges arise from attempting to create a new, complex fusion of computing, mechanics, and two-dimensional art? We talked to Paul Kirby to learn more about the varied inspirations and processes behind building and refining Dulcinea.  Old World […]

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Who Is Paul Kirby?

An artist, scientist, and engineer, Paul represents what can happen when you follow your passions and form them into one unique vision. Learn more about Paul and his fusioneering journey.

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Dulcinea the painting robot paints

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