Category: Painting for Beginners

Let us be your gateway into essential techniques, expert tips, and insights to help your painting journey. Unleash your inner artist and turn your visions into masterpieces with our beginner-friendly resources.

7 Basic Paintbrush Techniques

Whether the brush is held by a man or a machine, the brushstroke is the heart and soul of all painting. Each brushstroke is its own note in the symphony of a painted work, and so mastery of the brush is one of the most valuable skills a painter can hone. If you’re looking to […]

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The Importance of a Brushstroke

A swath of paint… that’s all a brushstroke is, right?  It’s easy to view a painting as the sum of its parts – a singular, whole product limited to one image. But would you say the same about a dance? A dancer’s every step and movement conveys unique energy and emotion that embodies the spirit […]

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An artist, scientist, and engineer, Paul represents what can happen when you follow your passions and form them into one unique vision. Learn more about Paul and his fusioneering journey.

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Why pick which passion you should follow? Fusioneering allows you to cultivate many interests into something innovative and revolutionary.

Dulcinea the painting robot paints

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