Category: Inspiration

5 of the Most Influential AI from Fiction

Since the dawn of humanity, we’ve obsessed over ideas of consciousness, intelligence, and the spirit. If we could create an artificial entity that thinks and feels, what would the ramifications be? What would change about our own perceived place in the universe?  As AI technology evolves more and more every day – from personal assistants […]

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Inspiring Innovations Spotlight: Georges Méliès, the Father of Modern Cinema

Movie magic – it’s the term we use for computer-generated visuals, practical special effects, and the general feeling of awe inspired by the cinema. The dazzling sights of the silver screen enchant us, and when engaged by a great film, our amazement and delight are akin to that of a child witnessing a magic act. […]

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Behind the AI; Beyond the Painting: Impressionist

How does a single color affect the colors around it? Perhaps the question seems odd, though it is a thought that has wracked the art world since the study of artistic matters began. It was a chief concern of the Impressionist movement, and also part of the inspiration behind Paul Kirby and Dulcinea’s painted work […]

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5 Ways AI Has Changed Your Daily Life

Ancient peoples told tales of artificial beings built to serve them. Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace questioned what a machine built on math could be capable of. Alan Turing questioned if a computer could “think.”  Now, in the 21st Century, these fantastical ideas of the old world have become the real fabric upon which modern […]

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What is a Growth Mindset, and How Can it Help You?

Do you often think about your potential? Do you know what you’re capable of? When you consider these things, do you feel that there’s a limit to your abilities… a bar that can’t be passed? What if what was holding you back wasn’t any perceived limitations of your skills or intellect, but was actually a […]

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Who Is Paul Kirby?

An artist, scientist, and engineer, Paul represents what can happen when you follow your passions and form them into one unique vision. Learn more about Paul and his fusioneering journey.

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a stack of books that illustrates the idea of Fusioneering

What Is Fusioneering?

Why pick which passion you should follow? Fusioneering allows you to cultivate many interests into something innovative and revolutionary.

Dulcinea the painting robot paints

Experience The Magic

Meet Paul and explore how blending your interests can empower you to follow your enthusiasm and bring your passions to life.