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Robotics Spotlight: Dulcinea the Robot Painter’s Brush Washer

As long as artists have been using brushes to paint masterpieces, the cleaning of those brushes has proved a tedious and time-consuming bane. Even Dulcinea, modern inventor Paul Kirby’s masterful robot painter, had to overcome the hurdle of dirty brushes and brushes drying out from acrylic paint. Paul’s solution to the problem – using his […]

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Is Social Media Hurting Your Creativity?

In our age of digital interconnectivity, social media platforms have become an integral and near-inescapable part of our lives. While these services allow us to connect, share, and create with the global community, concerns have also been raised about the impact of social media on creativity. While no global consensus has been reached on the […]

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How to Solve a Problem: Unleashing the Power of First Principles Thinking

For humans, problems are universal and inevitable. They come in various shapes and sizes, testing our resilience and creativity. While the word “problem” may carry negative connotations, it’s helpful to remember that every problem is an opportunity in disguise – a chance for growth, iteration, innovation, and discovery. Challenges and problems are what led modern […]

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A Guide to Paintbrush Types for Beginner Artists

Have you been inspired by Paul Kirby and his amazing robot artist Dulcinea to pick up a brush and begin your own journey in painting? With the right mindset, anyone can be a painter, experiencing the mindfulness, creativity, and therapeutic effects of shaping an image on a canvas. Painting offers a versatile and vibrant medium […]

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Inventor Paul Kirby’s Recommended Reading

Are you looking for inspiration to fuel your creative fusions and groundbreaking ideas? Look no further than the recommended book list from modern innovator Paul Kirby. As an accomplished artist, inventor, and robot designer, Paul has spent years exploring the STEM and art worlds learning how to inspire himself and others to live their passions.  […]

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Who Is Paul Kirby?

An artist, scientist, and engineer, Paul represents what can happen when you follow your passions and form them into one unique vision. Learn more about Paul and his fusioneering journey.

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a stack of books that illustrates the idea of Fusioneering

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Why pick which passion you should follow? Fusioneering allows you to cultivate many interests into something innovative and revolutionary.

Dulcinea the painting robot paints

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