The Blog

Fibonacci’s Hidden Code: Uncovering the Mathematics Behind Classical Art

In the realm of art, beauty often hides a secret, and the world of mathematics can be an unassuming yet powerful accomplice. If you’re a regular follower of Paul Kirby & robot painter Dulcinea’s art, the fusion of art and science is something you’re well aware of — but did you know that the classical […]

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Mastering Texture and Visual Effects with Palette Knives: A Beginner Guide

In the realm of visual art, each stroke of the brush, each texture created, and every color applied carries the potential to convey emotions, stories, and beauty. To shape these elements, painters aren’t just using brushes — in fact, your favorite effect or “brushstroke” in your favorite painting may have been made by something else: […]

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The Future of AI: 5 AI Advancements to Expect in the Next 10 Years

We’re in the midst of an artificial intelligence revolution — and painting masterpieces isn’t the only AI application shaking things up. In just the last few years, machine learning and AI technologies have come an extraordinarily long way, and the next decade promises to be an even more remarkable chapter in this continually evolving story. […]

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5 Trailblazing Women in Science

Throughout history, the STEM fields have been seen as a gated boys’ club — despite the fact that women have always had their place on the forefront of scientific innovation and discovery. Female scientists and innovators have made indelible marks on knowledge and society, challenging stereotypes and breaking barriers to pave the way for future […]

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Inspiring Innovations Spotlight: Mary Shelley, The Mother of Science Fiction

Here at the Kirby Foundation, we strive to highlight the inspirational fusions that can be made with art and science (like Dulcinea, the robot artist that paints like a classical master). Today, in the 21st century, it’s easy to see the myriad ways in which art and technology support each other, and topics of science […]

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Who Is Paul Kirby?

An artist, scientist, and engineer, Paul represents what can happen when you follow your passions and form them into one unique vision. Learn more about Paul and his fusioneering journey.

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a stack of books that illustrates the idea of Fusioneering

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Why pick which passion you should follow? Fusioneering allows you to cultivate many interests into something innovative and revolutionary.

Dulcinea the painting robot paints

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